Permaculture and the Scale of Permanence

How do you design your landscape? Start with the scale of permanence. a tool that helps us plan a project and avoid mistakes that will be hard to correct.
The #freepermaculture exists to help everyone learn how to be more ecological. These articles are just little tasters--enroll in our courses and join our free public forums when you're ready to become an ecological designer.
How do you design your landscape? Start with the scale of permanence. a tool that helps us plan a project and avoid mistakes that will be hard to correct.
What is permaculture? Here's an expansive Permaculture FAQ with a collection of helpful links to help you on your permaculture learning journey.
Permaculture is based on three social and environmental ethics
What are the principles of permaculture? Here's a massive collection of ecological design principles from a variety of sources
Berms, swales, and terraces are but a few of the many ways we can use earthworks in permaculture.
Why is seed saving important and how can you get started saving your own seeds?
The PEAR process can be used to organize projects and events of any size, and provides an alternative to long meetings.
Observation is first and foremost in the permaculture toolkit.