Design Your Daily Practice

This 10-day Bliss Blitz includes video, writing prompts, downloadable worksheets, and hands-on body movement and breathing suggestions.
The #freepermaculture exists to help everyone learn how to be more ecological. These articles are just little tasters--enroll in our courses and join our free public forums when you're ready to become an ecological designer.
This 10-day Bliss Blitz includes video, writing prompts, downloadable worksheets, and hands-on body movement and breathing suggestions.
Grow food, make friends, repeat.
Procrastination, burnout, self-doubt, imposter syndrome, and overwhelm are all symptoms that you need to put some energy into designing your inner landscape.
Learn how to cultivate a designer's mind, gain access to land, develop an ecological site assessment, and much, much more in this online permaculture course taught by Food Not Lawns author & founder, Heather Jo Flores
How do you propagate plants without seeds? Let's find out!
Find your place, your purpose, and your source of abundance to share.
Or do you have “blue tarp syndrome”?
Did you know you can grow your own fences, and eat them too? Learn about edible shrubs and multifunctional hedgerows for your permaculture garden.
How to resolve conflicts and disruptions in your permaculture projects and programs.
What to grow, and where? Here's an introduction to the permaculture kitchen garden.
How to volunteer at a permaculture farm and start learning, hands-on. This article also includes tips for being a great host and mentor.
How do permaculture principles apply to social situations? And how can we use the same design strategies we use in the garden to improve our relationships?